Several of Charlie’s experiences with Christian education, one good reason why and a great example of his saving grace.

Charlie became a Christian in March, and Terry in May,1977. In mid-1978 they moved to Mauldin, near Greenville, SC.   Soon after arriving in Greenville, Terry tried to register our son for second grade in the local public school. On three separate occasions, she was unable to register him. The pastor from Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church, where we were attending, came to visit us the week before school was to begin to encourage us to enroll our children in MRPC’s Christian school. I remember Dr. Thomas Cross saying: “As Christians, you want to bring your covenant children up in the faith and become believers as you are. Christian School will be consistent with everything you teach them at home. Since the public school’s foundation is Humanism, when you put them there, you bring them into the camp of the enemy of Christ for 5 hours a day. Most parents can’t or won’t undo the daily damage done in those schools.” So, began our commitment to educating our children in a Christian school.

After we had been in MRPC for more than a year Terry and I were asked to help start a mission church in nearby Simpsonville. I had been trained and ordained as a Deacon and then as an Elder. Three Elders, John Wheeler, Render Cains and myself were the founding elders of Davenport Road Presbyterian Church. One of my responsibilities was teaching the high school class. One Sunday the lesson was on Jesus teaching about building your house on the rock or the sand from Matthew

Matthew 7:24-27“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

The lesson included little paper houses and pages with pictures of sand and rock. I thought this was a weak, childish lesson, BUT I taught it faithfully. I even told Terry on the ride home that I thought it was a stupid lesson. Years later back in Greensboro, I met one of the students from that class. He said: “Mr. Liebert do you remember teaching the lesson about the two houses, one built on sand and the other built on rock”. I confirmed I remembered. “Well, that lesson changed my life!” Lesson learned by me! NEVER underestimate God’s ability to use weak vessels to carry out his will and don’t trust your sinful judgment to sell God’s Word short! After more than 40 years as a Christian and an educator Gods’s word is still my guide.

Resources available at

Christian Education: My Children’s Christian Education, What Should I Do?A Christian Educator’s Analysis and Advice. $8

Christian Apologetics: Always Be Ready to Give an Answer!  A Former Atheist’s Personal Christian Evangelism Plan. $8

ANSWERS For “The Hope That Is in You. Direct, Simple Answers to the World’s 106 “Hard”  Questions” $9

Without 3 Miracles Darwin’s Dead! Science Proves Atheistic Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE. $9

Creative Historical Non-fiction (Family History):  Liebert Annals in Deutschland.  Our Complete German History$7

Tales of a Teen Aristocrat, Pranksters, a Witch, Curses, Ghosts and a Jew. $7

Rosemarie, Kristallnacht Transformation.  $5

General Interest Fiction: Yellowstone’s Child.  $7

One Android, 399 lives. 59th Street Terrorist Attack Kills 399.Fictional attack.  $7

Other eBooks on Kindle: The Memory Tree.A Gospel Christmas Story.  $2.99

Helene at Mama Henney’s Boarding School for Girls.  $2.99

The Curse of the Witch of Zahlendorf. Der Fluch der Hexe von Zahlendorf. $2.99

Twitter name: @CreationCharlie              Charlie’s weekly blog, search

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Contactcharlie@sixdaycreation.comor 336-337-4975 (call or text).

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